Course CategoryCourse Name Start Date End Date DurationMode of Learning Short Courses Institutional Leadership Course120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Instructional Leadership Programme120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Guidance and Counselling for Schools120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Transformative Leadership120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Financial Management for Bursars and Accounts Clerks120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Career Guidance and Counseling for TVET Institutions.120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Public Procurement for Education Institutions120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Schools of Excellence120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Education for Sustainable Development120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply The 21Century Teacher120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Data security and management120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Digital skills for education Managers120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Online safety and security120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply ICT integration in education management 120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply ICT integration in curriculum delivery120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Blended and Online learning design120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Qualitative methods for monitoring and evaluating the quality of education120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Human Resource management120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Customer care and public relations120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Quality Assurance and Standards120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Standards Assessment and Report Writing120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Institutional Based QA120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Data mining management and utilization120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Using education data to monitor education quality, access and relevance120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Education law, policies and reforms120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply Training of Trainers ( TOT)120 hrsOnline/PhysicalApply