Mode of Learning – Online
Learning Duration: 4 Weeks (120 Hrs)
Starting:…… Ending: …..
Payment Details: To cover tuition and training materials only.

COST: Kshs 16,500
This course aims at equipping the participants with knowledge, skills and attitudes to embrace education for sustainable development and to identify activities that influence programs at institution level. Through utilization of experiential learning, participants will be taken through various concepts on ESD. A practical approach and sharing of best practices will be utilized in learning more about the roles of education managers in ESD. Participants will be expected to present a final synthesis paper consolidating what they will have learnt.
After completion of the course, participants will be expected to promote ESD activities in their institutions in order to ensure quality and inclusive education.
Principals, head teachers, deputy principals, deputy head teachers and teachers in charge of ESD.
By the end of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Appreciate evolution of sustainable development concept in education.
- Promote application of measurable indicators of sustainability in learning institutions
- Develop 21st century competencies in ESD
- Enhance reorientation of ESD in Curriculum Implementation
- Utilize appropriate approaches for ESD in teaching and learning
- Promote practices for ESD transformation in learning institutions
- Undertake assessment for ESD learning outcomes
- Appreciate cross cutting issues in ESD
- Consolidate final synthesis targeting ESD competencies
The International Evolution of sustainable development concept
The Evolution of Sustainable Development Concept in Kenya and Kenya’s Sustainable Development issues
Concept of ESD
Measurable indicators of sustainabilityy
21 st century competencies in ESD
Reorienting ESD in Curriculum Implementation
Teaching and learning approaches for ESD
Enhancing Practices for Transformation in ESD
Assessment of ESD learning outcomes
Cross cutting issues